In order to obtain the residence card for social roots it is necessary to have a good advice. Mainly, because in addition to the need for the foreigner to certify a family relationship. It is taken into consideration whether he/she has been socially integrated during his/her period of stay.
Conditions for applying for a residency card with social roots
In general terms, and once the applicant has been legally in Spain for at least 3 years, a residency card for social roots may be requested in the following cases:
Social roots as an employed worker
The applicant must have a valid employment contract with a duration of at least one year. Signed by the employer, who must be registered and solvent with its tax and social security obligations.
Social roots without an employment contract
Applies to self-employed workers or those with sufficient economic means not to work. In this case, proof of independent economic activity must be provided. Family ties with a citizen or proof of social insertion is also admitted.
Requirements to obtain the Social Rootedness Residence Card
Among the basic requirements established by the Law to obtain the socially rooted residency card are the following:
- Be a non-EU citizen.
- Not to have a criminal record in their country of origin or in Spain.
- Not to be banned from entering or within the period of non-return to Spain.
- To have stayed legally in Spanish territory for at least three continuous years.
- Present the corresponding documentation according to their condition (employment contract, certification of economic resources, proof of family ties or accreditation of social integration).
- Identity card, NIE or valid passport.
- Printed copy of the EX-10 format in official model.
How to apply for a residency card with social roots?
The application for this administrative procedure can be made in person or through a professional advisor of the service of our agency or directly at the Immigration Office where the applicant is domiciled.
The fee foreseen in Model 790, code 052 will be paid at the time of filing the application and the foreigner applicant will have ten working days to pay the amount. Once admitted, the competent body will have up to three months to issue a formal notification.
Its approval includes a residence and work authorization. Allowing to apply for a foreigner’s identification card. Otherwise, the application will be considered rejected by administrative silence. Situation that is sought to avoid with the services of Gestoria Palma in obtaining a residence card for social roots.